Label: Stroganov Music / Chill Out
320 mp3
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Rain Drops
Price for single track: 
35 rub.
Rain Drops (2:41)
Rain Drops (No Melody Mix) (2:41)
Price for whole release 60 rub.
Raindrops are a great reason to think about how we see the world and how the world sees us. Each droplet is like a small world trapped in a transparent shell. A separate story, full of movement, reflection, and even, maybe, some quiet sadness. What do raindrops tell us? • About transience: they appear, live their short lives, and disappear, leaving only a trace behind. Like life, it is swift, beautiful and unique. • About reflection: Drops on glass reflect the world around them. This reminds us that we also reflect the environment in ourselves and through our actions we shape the world in which we live. • About cyclicity: It is part of the endless cycle of water in nature. They evaporate, rise into the sky, form clouds and return to earth again in the form of rain. This reminds us that life is also cyclical, and everything has its beginning and end. • About strength and tenderness: Rain can be both gentle and affectionate, as well as powerful and destructive. Raindrops can gently irrigate the earth, but they can also violently demolish everything in their path. It symbolizes the dual nature of the world and the fact that both strength and tenderness live in each of us. • About unity: Raindrops falling on the ground merge into a single stream. It symbolizes that we are all connected to each other and that together we can achieve more. • About cleanliness and purification: Rain cleanses the earth of dirt and dust. It refreshes and revives. This may symbolize our own need to cleanse ourselves of negative thoughts and feelings, to renew ourselves and start life anew. Raindrops, like tiny philosophers, help us understand ourselves and our place in this world. What do you think about the raindrops on the glass? Which philosophy is closer to you?
City Heat
Price for single track: 
35 rub.
City Heat (2:41)
Price for whole release 35 rub.
Drink water, do not overuse coffee, tea and iced drinks. Move along the street, if possible, only in the shade. Wear light, breathable fabric clothing and wear hats. The heat in the city... The heat, the sunny tranquility, a little urban bustle and nothing more. A real summer chill with notes of a light breeze and evening vibe. Get high, but take care of yourself.
Rainy Day
Price for single track: 
35 rub.
Rainy Day (2:42)
Price for whole release 35 rub.
Sometimes there is a wish that it would rain. And it should rain all day. But at the same time, you don't need to go anywhere – neither to work, nor on any business, anywhere. Just to make yourself a hot tea, sit in a comfortable chair and get high. Enjoying to the sounds of endless rain...
Strangest Dream / Musings About Music
Strangest Dream / Musings About Music
Price for single track: 
35 rub.
Musings About Music (4:43)
Strangest Dream (2:39)
Price for whole release 60 rub.
New Year Tangerine
Price for single track: 
35 rub.
New Year Tangerine (4:19)
New Year Tangerine (Instrumental Mix) (4:19)
Price for whole release 60 rub.
What are tangerines? It is a symbol of the New Year for many of us. A kind, light story and reflections about tangerines, New Year and something else. Happy New Year!
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