
Your new label can start in 24 hours

Account confirmation happens in five steps:

Step one: Confirm your registration on iMixes using link from verification e-mail. Go into your account using your login and password you left while registering.

Step two: Before you start logging in, click "D" in the header. When it's highlighted in green, log into your account using the password you provided when you registered on Top up an account 600руб. (€6.27/$6.84).

Step three: Please upload your signature for the license agreement here. For individuals and individual entrepreneurs we only require a signature, and for legal entities - a signature and a stamp.

Step four: Wait till you get an activation email of your account and enter it in proper field.

Step five: Administration is checking reliability of data provided by the user and confirming an account activaition within 24 hours. After that you can start your publication.

Important information: Payment for your account (600руб. (€6.27/$6.84) rub) is obligatory only when you are going to use your account and get an opportunity to publish your content via our resource. Till that moment you may test your iMixes account free. We do not charge for registration. Based on legal grounds, it is important that you activate your account before you can publish something. This means that we have to check the data of your account. Note! Our staff can contact you to ensure that you have provided the correct telephone number. We can call you only within business hours (9:00-17:00) from Monday to Friday.

Pay attention, you should make a choice in "Vendor type" field.

Fields marked by * should be filled.
